Mothers and Infants LinKed for Healthy Growth (MILk) study

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About the MILk study

The Mothers and Infants LinKed for Healthy Growth (MILk) study is one of the largest and longest-running breastfeeding studies in the United States. The MILk study is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development at the National Institutes of Health.

The purpose of the MILk study is to learn more about how breastmilk affects a baby’s growth and microbiome (gut health). This is done by collecting samples of breastmilk and baby's stool; taking specific measurements of the breastfeeding parent and baby's body and metabolism; and collecting information about diet and activity level, sleep, stress levels, and how breastfeeding is going.

Eligible participants (people planning to breastfeed for at least one month) are enrolled during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. In-person study visits occur at 1, 3, and 6 months. Participants may also continue to contribute to research through follow-up surveys after 6 months, and another study visit when their baby turns 5 years old. Participants are compensated for prenatal surveys and in-person visits. We hope to continue to follow each group of babies through their teenage years!

Participate in Minnesota

Participants in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area are currently being recruited! If you're pregnant, planning to breastfeed for at least one month, and interested in participating in Minnesota, please take this short pre-screening questionnaire, and we'll contact you if you fit our criteria.

Take the screening survey

Participate in Oklahoma

Participants in the Oklahoma City area are currently being recruited! If you're pregnant, planning to breastfeed for at least one month, and interested in participating in Oklahoma, please take this short pre-screening questionnaire, and we'll contact you if you fit our criteria.

Take the screening survey

MILk in the news

Check out our feature! WCCO filmed a visit with one of our moms who is back for the study with her second baby.

Further study participation

Many of you have inquired as to how you and your children can participate in other research studies here at the University of Minnesota. The Institute of Child Development (ICD) conducts many studies with children of various ages.

Enroll in the ICD participant pool

Infant feeding & child development

For more information on breastfeeding, including places to find breastfeeding support, along with information on infant and child nutrition and development, visit our resources page!